Hi All,
I am writing to announce the publication of my new book Crip Negativity with the University of Minnesota Press. In it, I level a strong critique of the category of disability and liberal disability politics in order to imagine what horizons might exist for the liberation of those oppressed by ableism beyond access and inclusion. Inspired by models of negativity in queer studies, Black studies, and crip theory, I propose that bad crip feelings might help all of us to care gently for one another, even as we demand more from the world than we currently believe to be possible.
I am very excited about the book for a number of reasons.
First, I’m proud of the argument. I had some shit I needed to say, and I said it. Second, the book is open access for folks who are comfortable reading online, and there are low-cost paperback options for people who prefer to hold something in their hands. Third, I’ve partnered with the incredible MAADCo, a disabled-led reproductive justice collective, to launch a merch line for people who would rather their funds be redistributed directly back into disability community than through a traditional academic publisher. 100% of every sale goes to fund abortion care in North Carolina.
Also, for those of you who are interested in celebrating with me, I’ll be hosting a funereal themed book launch event on June 23rd. It’s going to be campy and exuberant in all the ways crip and queer events should be. The event will be virtual, and ASL & CART will be provided. I’d love to see you all there!
Thank you all for being part of the crip community that I hold so dear.
With gratitude,
J. Logan Smilges, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English Language & Literatures
University of British Columbia
Pronouns: They/Them