Volunteer: Invitation to join OWCA committees


This year, a number of the Online Writing Center Association (OWCA) committees are looking for additional participants, and we invite interested folks to join our work.

OWCA committees engage in a range of work to serve the OWCA community, as detailed below. All committees meet on a monthly basis and participation is based on your individual bandwidth. Full descriptions of each committee are available on the website on the Committees page.

To join a committee or to learn more information, please email the committee chair via the address listed below.

Accessibility Committee:

  • Contact Email: access
  • No deadline to become involved—we are always looking for new voices!
  • Key past initiatives: Writing the OWCA Commitment to Accessibility statement; supporting the Conference Committee
  • Key upcoming initiatives: Continuing work on the Commitment to Accessibility statement and creating resources for accessibility in OWC’s
  • How committee members contribute to the committee: Participating in drafting and revising the Accessibility Statement; creating new objectives and goals for the committee; working to support accessibility across all of OWCA.

Conference Committee:

  • Contact Email: owca-conference
  • No deadline to become involved, but depends on what contribution you would like to make!
  • Key past initiatives: OWCA Conference 2023
  • Key upcoming initiatives: OWCA Conference 2024 – tentative plans are for a CFP to be released by August, review of proposals in October/November, more extensive conference planning starting in January 2024, leading to our conference in April 2024
  • How committee members contribute to the committee: Share ideas and suggestions for the conference, review presentation proposals, give feedback on materials regarding accessibility, moderate conference sessions, etc.

Mentoring & Resources Committee:

  • Contact Email: mentoring
  • No deadline—folks are welcome to join anytime!
  • Key past initiatives: Revising the mentor-mentee match program into a group mentoring program; launching inaugural cohorts of the new program; program evaluation
  • Key upcoming initiatives: Maintaining and evaluating Cohort ‘23-’24 of the program; Preparing for the launch of the ‘24-’25 Cohort.
  • How committee members contribute to the committee: Communicating with mentoring group liaisons, scheduling and facilitating program events (cohort launch, end-of-term celebration, check-in “office hours”), advertising the program during registration period, surveying program members to evaluate the program and revising our operations as needed based on participants’ feedback

We hope you will consider joining an OWCA committee. Thank you!

Beth Nastachowski
Founding Secretary
Chair of the Mentoring & Resources Committee