News: 2023 SIGDOC Election Results


It is my great pleasure in my role as Nominating Chair to announce the results of the 2023 SIGDOC Elections.

First, I would like to thank everyone who self-nominated, agreed to run, and shared their vision for SIGDOC. This was the largest slate of candidates who ran for office since SIGDOC was reinvigorated in 2013 under the leadership of Liza Potts and the name was updated to indicate the shift from a focus on documentation to the design of communication.

Second, thanks to everyone who participated in the voting, those of you who attend the annual conference, and everyone who contributes to reading and publishing in Communication Design Quarterly. The organization is strong. We appreciate your continued support as we welcome the new leadership team.

Finally, and not to bury the news, I am thrilled to announce the elected Executive Committee that will lead ACM SIGDOC for the next three years: 2023 ACM SIGDOC Election Results


Huiling Ding
NC State University
Email: hding

Vice Chair

Halcyon M. Lawrence
Towson University

Secretary /Treasurer

Chen Chen
Utah State University

This team will serve for the next term from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026. They will be joined by Dan Richards as he shifts from his current role as Chair to Past Chair and Jordan Frith who continues to serve as CDQ editor. I also want to thank the outgoing officers Sarah Read (Vice Chair) and Susan Youngblood (Secretary /Treasurer) for their hard work as they conclude their terms at the end of the month. My term as Past Chair will also conclude at that time.

Thank you and please join me in congratulating our new Executive team!


Emma J. Rose (she/her)

Associate Professor, Writing Studies + Global Innovation & Design, UW Tacoma

Affiliate Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, UW Seattle

Past Chair + Nominating Chair, ACM SIGDOC