Survey: Academic Labor, Aging, Chronic Illness, and Disability

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are all settling into summer. I write about my new project on navigating academic labor and experiences and thoughts about aging, chronic illness, and disability. Of course, even if you do not necessarily identify as disabled (such as if you are a caretaker or have thoughts about these topics in relation to your work and life experiences), please consider participating. This project broadens my research on wellness and labor in higher education and, hopefully, will help institutions to create more "well" spaces for its workers throughout a career/lifetime. So, please feel free to pass this project onto colleagues and friends in disciplines other than rhetoric and composition.

There is an opportunity to be interviewed for this project; however, the survey responses will be anonymous unless participants include their information at the end.

Find survey link below, I hope to hear from you soon!


Dr. Genie Nicole Giaimo

Assistant Professor, Writing and Rhetoric

Director of the Writing Center

Middlebury College

My latest book, Unwell Writing Centers, is available!

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