News: 2023 Kairos Awards Announcement!

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, is pleased to announce its 2023 award winners! Congratulations to the winners! We had a strong number of submissions this year and thank all applicants for sharing their outstanding work with us.
Margaret Price and Erin Bahl have been awarded the 2023 Kairos Best Webtext Award for “The Rhetoric of Description,” published in Kairos Issue 26.2, for the best academic webtext published in the previous calendar year.

Vyshali Manivannan has received an honorable mention for the 2023 Kairos Best Webtext Award for "Hollow Me, Hollow Me, Until Only You Remain," published in Spark: A 4C4Equality Journal vol. 4.

Joe Moxley and the Writing Commons: The Encyclopedia for Writers, Researchers, and Knowledge Workers have been awarded the 2023 John Lovas Award recognizing an outstanding online project devoted to academic pursuits.

Roland Dumavor has been awarded the 2023 Hawisher Selfe Caring for the Future Award, which provides a scholarship for first-time, underrepresented scholars to travel to the Computers and Writing conference.

Meghalee Das has been awarded the 2023 Kairos Graduate Student and Adjunct Award for Service, which recognizes activities that promote excellent computers and writing pedagogy, theory, and community building.

Tiffani Tijerina has been awarded the 2023 Kairos Graduate Student and Adjunct Award for Teaching, which recognizes the use of computers and writing pedagogies in their classroom-based practice to promote student learning.

Anuj Gupta has been awarded a 2023 Kairos Graduate Student and Adjunct Award for Research, which recognizes a pattern of excellent scholarship and/or the promise of future excellent scholarship.

Morgan Banville has also been awarded a 2023 Kairos Graduate Student and Adjunct Award for Research.

Thank you to our award readers for their service: Chris Andrews, Ashley Beardsley, Jason Crider, Michael Faris, Madison Jones, Vy Manivannan, Kristi McDuffie, Heidi McKee, Fin McMahon, and Michael Salvo.

Join us in celebrating these winners!

Kristi McDuffie and Chris Andrews, Award Organizers
Cheryl Ball and Doug Eyman, Kairos Senior Editors