News: Computers and Composition Award Recipients

From Kris Blair:

Computers and Composition Award Recipients

It was an honor to represent Computers and Composition and present awards in five categories at the Computers and Writing Conference Awards Ceremony on June 23.

A special thanks to our award judges and their gift of time and expertise: Bridget Gelms, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Stuart Selber, Allegra Smith, Patricia Sullivan, Christine Tulley, and Charles Woods. Gratitude also goes to the number of people who nominated or self-nominated; please do consider nominating for next year’s awards; it really is important to recognize such work in the field and the people who do that work, including you!

1. Ellen Nold Award for Outstanding Article or Chapter

Recipients: Jason Chew Kit Tham; Kenyan Degles Burnham; Daniel L. Hocutt; Nupoor Ranade; John Misak; Ann Hill Duin; Isabel Pedersen, and Jessica Lynn Campbell. “Metaphors, Mental Models, and Multiplicity: Understanding Student Perception of Digital Literacy,” Computers and Composition, Vol. 59, 2021.

2. Michelle Kendrick Outstanding Digital Production & Scholarship Award

Recipients: Ruth Osorio, Vyshali Manivannan, and Jessie Male. “Carework and Writing During COVID” (Part 1 and Part 2), Special Issue of the Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, Vols. 6.2 and 7.1, 2022.

Honorable Mention: Shewonda Leger, Eric Rodriguez, Ja’La Wourman, Shannon Kelly, Rosa Tobin, and Benjamin Lauren. “Sound and Social Change” Special Issue of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric Technology and Pedagogy, Vol. 26.1, 2021.

3. Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award

Recipients: Michael J. Faris and Steve Holmes. Reprogrammable Rhetoric: Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition (Utah State University Press, 2022).

Honorable Mention: Michael L. Black. Transparent Designs: Personal Computing and the Politics of User-Friendliness (Johns Hopkins, 2022).

4. Hugh Burns Distinguished Dissertation Award

Recipient: Wilfredo Flores. “Toward A Virulent Community Literacy: Constellating the Science, Technology, and Medicine of Queer Sexual Health” (director Natasha Jones), Michigan State University.

Honorable Mention: Angela Glotfelter. “The Impact of Analytics on Writing” (director Tim Lockridge), Miami University.

5. Charles Moran Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field

Recipient: Doug Eyman, George Mason University (a two-time recipient of this award!).