New: Towards Best Practices for Podcasting in Rhetoric and Composition

“Towards Best Practices for Podcasting in Rhetoric and Composition" is included in the newest issue of Peitho as part of the Cluster Conversation on Feminist Internet Research Ethics. Many thanks to Kristi and Melissa for their masterful editorial guidance on this one!


Abstract: As research across disciplines abandons a sole print focus and recognizes the importance of podcasting for making meaning and understanding the world, scholar-podcasters in rhetoric and composition create podcasts that extend the field’s reach to new audiences and impact research trajectories. In this article, we expand the “Heuristic for Reflective Research/Data Collection” (the Heuristic) posited by Amber Buck and Devon Ralston to examine the research methods of re:verb: A Podcast about Politics, Culture, and Language in Action podcast. We offer guidance towards best practices based on feminist principles and methods for podcasters podcasting in rhetoric and composition.