CFP: Center Moves Proposals Due July 14


Center Moves Call for Proposals

Dear Colleagues,

The Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association is inviting submissions for the inaugural issue of Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials.

The purpose of this archive is to house share peer-reviewed lesson plans and materials, grounded in scholarship, theory or praxis, that administrators and tutors can use and modify to train new tutors and to support ongoing professional development for existing tutors.

This archive will allow writing center administrators and tutors to share and access lesson plans that offer a variety of new topics, tools, methods, materials, activities, and resources for training tutors with varied ranges of experience to work with writers at all levels.

Each issue will center on different consulting topics so that we end up with widespread coverage of content relevant for all writing and learning centers. For the first issue, we invite submissions on the following two themes:

  1. Training tutors to work in synchronous online consultations
  2. Training tutors to work with sentence-level/lower-order/lower-gravity concerns

Proposals are due July 14, 2023. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process before being accepted for publication. The issue will be published in January 2024.

For more information about Center Moves and the proposal submission process, please visit Center Moves on the RMWCA website.

If you have any questions, please email us at rmwca.tutorcon


The Center Moves Editorial Team

UNLV Logo Erin Zimmerman, PhD

Writing Center
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

