CFP: Submit to Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments is actively soliciting submissions. If you have recently taught a noteworthy assignment, please consider submitting a manuscript. (And, if you know colleagues in other disciplines who are assigning innovative writing projects, feel free to pass this invitation on.)

Members of Prompt’s editorial board have identified the following writing assignment topics/features as especially desirable for upcoming issues: accessibility and universal design; high-impact reflective writing; engagement with generative AI; health communication; campus common read programs; gaming; financial literacy, and efforts to promote empathy.

If you’re unfamiliar with us, Prompt is a biannual, refereed online journal that publishes academic writing assignments accompanied by reflective essays. We publish assignments directed at undergraduate or graduate students and from all academic disciplines. Prompt is an open-access journal, with all articles freely available to all readers. In 2023 we joined the WAC Clearinghouse family of journals, which helps us expand the reach of articles we publish. Learn more about the journal here:

Questions about the journal or about submission ideas can be sent to Co-Editors Kelly Kinney and Rick Fisher at thepromptjournal.