Dear WPA-GO Members,
The WPA-GO Leadership Council is seeking additional applicants for the position of Vice Chair. The application form will remain open until 11:59 PM on Saturday, July 15th.
This position is ideal for graduate students invested in inclusive leadership! The Vice Chair’s main responsibility is leading the WPA-GO’s Inclusion Advisory Collective. In this role, the Vice Chair will collaborate with three committee chairs, including the Diversity Committee, Accessibility Committee, and Outreach Committee. After one year as Vice Chair, the elected individual will cycle into the position of Chair. Full responsibilities are listed at the end of this email.
If interested, please complete the WPA-GO Vice Chair Application Form by 11:59 PM on Saturday, July 15th. The form will ask for a short bio, election statement, and photo to be circulated on our voting ballot next week.
We look forward to working with you! Please share this call widely. We are happy to answer and questions about the position or application at wpago1
a. All Chairs are responsible for
i. Maintaining the WPA-GO membership and email list, including developing and distributing regular updates.
ii. Collaborating with LC committee co-chairs to recruit and appoint WPA-GO graduate student committee members.
iii. Identifying 2-3 faculty mentors with WPA experience at various institution types who will serve as mentors to the LC and provide input on WPA-GO initiatives as necessary.
iv. Overseeing the duties of and collaboration between all WPA-GO committees and task forces.
v. Developing and conducting ongoing, formative assessment of the organization to make recommendations to the LC.
vi. Arranging and conducting monthly LC meetings, including scheduling and setting agendas.
b. The Chair is responsible for
i. Preparing goals and initiatives for their chair term and soliciting assistance from the Vice Chair and Past Chair.
ii. Consulting with LC members on Chair and Vice Chair initiatives to provide transparency in projects.
iii. Calling ad hoc meetings of the LC either live/synchronous or by any practical media as necessary to conduct the business of the organization. The Chair must provide sufficient notice of such a meeting so that committee members can arrange to attend.
iv. National conference responsibilities:
i. Soliciting news and announcements from LC committees and task forces to update membership at least twice per year, especially as pertinent to national conference(s).
ii. Soliciting reports from LC committees and task forces to compile for organizational history and continuity purposes.
iii. Writing thank you notes (email and/or handwritten) to sponsors of WPA-GO socials, grants, guest speakers, and any other relevant recipients.
c. The Vice Chair & Inclusion Advisory Leader is responsible for
i. Assisting the Chair and meeting regularly as needed.
ii. Acting as leader of the Inclusion Advisory Collective, which includes the following responsibilities:
Prioritize attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion issues in all GO proceedings, documents, and events.
Center the inclusion of graduate student participation in the WPA field and writing studies at large by connecting with various academic institutions and conferences both in the U.S. and internationally.
Oversee communication, planning, and collaboration of the Inclusion Advisory Collective, which includes the Accessibility, Diversity, and Professional Development committees, all of which work towards inclusive measures around working conditions, WPA practices, and access concerns.
iii. In agreement with the Chair, being responsible for any of the above tasks that will prepare the Vice Chair for their Chair term.
d. The Past Chair is responsible for
i. Advising the Chair as needed.
ii. Advising other LC members as needed, especially lending organizational knowledge to the Vice Chair as Inclusion Advisory Leader.
iii. In agreement with the Chair, being responsible for any of the above tasks, as well as special projects that persist from the Past Chair’s term as Chair.
Kathleen Lyons, on behalf of WPA-GO Leadership Council
Kathleen Lyons, Chair
Jagadish Paudel, Vice Chair
Laura Hardin Marshall, Past Chair
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