Dear Colleagues,
The co-editors of Young Scholars in Writing invite interested parties to apply to be the next editors and have their college or university be the next institutional home of Young Scholars in Writing.
The current editorial team (based at York College of Pennsylvania) plans on completing their term in Winter 2025 upon the publication of Volume 22. It is our hope to have the next editorial team in place to shadow the entire production and publication of Volume 22 (January 2024 to December 2024).
Young Scholars in Writing has a 20-year history of publishing high-quality undergraduate research in writing studies. The journal publishes one volume a year, mentoring the undergraduate authors through the revision and publication process.
The benefits to an institution bringing on YSW:
Project-based and experiential learning opportunities for classes
Opportunities for student internships
Raises profile of the writing program/department
Develops networks within writing discipline and schools for faculty and students
Generate opportunities for faculty research and publications
Generate opportunities for service to the discipline
There are some costs associated with the journal, and the new editorial team would need to secure funding to support website-related costs, printing, and mailing.
The journal has developed a relationship with Parlor Press, which handles the layout, printing and mailing of each volume, and PKP Journal systems, which hosts the website and ensures that each volume is listed in the MLA database.
We would be happy to meet with any interested faculty members to discuss the current editorial process and needs for the journal. Please complete this short online form if you are interested in meeting with the current editorial team to learn more.
Interest Form:
Emily Murphy Cope, Gabriel Cutrufello, & Kimberly Fahle Peck, co-editors
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric
York College of Pennsylvania