Volunteer: 2023 Research and Ben Rafoth Graduate Research Grant Reviewers

Dear IWCA Members:

I am serving as Grants Chair this year for the International Writing Centers Association. Applications for the Summer 2023 IWCA Research Grant and Ben Rafoth Graduate Research Grant are in and need to be judged. There are nine applications in for the Summer Research Grant and two applications for the Ben Rafoth Graduate Research Grant.

I am writing to ask if any of our members would be interested in joining me in reviewing and choosing the recipient for the two 2023 Summer Research Grants.

As advertised on the IWCA website, “The IWCA offers its Research Grant to encourage scholars to apply and advance existing theories and methods or create new knowledge. This grant supports quantitative, qualitative, theoretical, and applied projects associated with writing center research and application.” The information in those two sentences is the extent of the published criteria for evaluation. With three reviewers, we should be able to come to a consensus on the best of the applications.

The criteria for the Ben Rafoth Graduate Research Grant encourages “the development of new knowledge and the innovative application of existing theories and methods. This grant supports research projects associated with a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation.” Likewise, the research should be on the topic of writing center research and practices.

It is my hope that we can choose a recipient by August 26th or as close as is possible to that deadline.

Please, write to me if you would be interested in helping with the judging.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Lawrence

Lawrence Cleary

Director Regional Writing Centre

C1065 Main Building

University of Limerick,

Limerick, Ireland V94 T9PX

