CFP: Special Issue on Ungrading (Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture)

Dear Colleagues,
I am putting together a special issue of Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture focused on ungrading. The special issue is well on its way, but I need a couple more contributions to round it out. In particular, I am looking for pieces that foreground the relationship between identity and assessment practices. Some teacher-scholars of color and other marginalized groups, including contingent faculty, for example, have noted that ungrading practices raise a series of issues for them and that this approach to assessment is not one they are interested in implementing (or they have done so and have since chosen other approaches). Similarly, some teacher-scholars have raised concerns about how ungrading practices may negatively affect certain populations of students, such as international students, multilingual students, and students of color.

If these perspectives are relevant to you and your experiences, please consider sending me a proposal (500 words or less) by August 10: ellen.carillo.

Final essays will be 5,000 words inclusive of citations, appendices, etc.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, too.


Ellen C. Carillo, Ph.D.
she/ her/ hers
Professor of English
Writing Program Coordinator
University of Connecticut