New: Praxis Summer 2023 Issue

The University of Texas at Austin’s University Writing Center announces the publication of the Summer 2023 issue of Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. Our journal is geared towards all individuals involved in writing center work, and this issue represents the collaboration of writing center consultants and directors across the nation and the world.

The current issue’s theme is “Re-Evaluating Traditional Practice in the Writing Center." In this issue of Praxis, authors deploy survey methods to investigate traditional writing center practice and consider potential avenues for change. Each article contemplates the way writing centers stand as institution-facing entities and reconsiders centers’ roles.

Praxis welcomes article and column submissions on a rolling basis. Submission information can be found at

The Praxis Editorial Team

Jacqueline Rhodes
Executive Editor, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal
Kelleher Centennial Professor of Rhetoric and Composition
Director, University Writing Center
The University of Texas at Austin

Kiara Walker

Associate Editor, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal
Chair, University Writing Center Editorial Committee

The University of Texas at Austin

Emma Conatser
Assistant Editor, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal
University Writing Center
The University of Texas at Austin

Check out our new website here!
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