CFP: 2023-2024 GSOLE Webinar Presenters


The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators, an organization dedicated to supporting hybrid and online teacher-scholars and tutors, invites everyone (both GSOLE Members and non-members) to submit proposals for our upcoming Webinar Series: Instructors as Designers: Considering UX Design in OWI.

For the purpose of this Webinar Series, we are using the following definitions to guide our thinking:

· UX (Functionality) includes interaction design; information architecture; wireframing; product design; plus user research, testing, and data.

· UI (the Look) addresses how users interact with and experience digital products and services. UI includes brand expression, visual communication, accessibility, graphic design, color, layout, and typography (The Ohio State University).

GSOLE’s webinars are designed to spark conversation, provide professional development, share ideas, and build community. Webinar recordings are made available to GSOLE members in an online archive, and webinar leaders are encouraged to transform their webinar topics into ROLE or OLOR Effective Practices publications. Webinars are:

Led by a single presenter or a group of 2–3

· 60–90 minutes long

· Combinations of theory and practice with actionable plans for instructors, tutors, and others

· Interactive presentations, engaging attendees

Submit your proposal via this form by Friday, August 25th.

In this series, we’re asking presenters to consider some of the following points as they design and propose their webinar:

· Accessibility in UX design (ADA & beyond)

· Language awareness and linguistic justice across UX/UI design

· UX design for social justice/Intersections with the Social Justice and UX/UI design

· UX design in hybrid settings

· Intersections between UX and universal design for learning

· Institutional approaches to UX/UI design (templates, processes/procedures, etc.)

· Circumnavigating the LMS: UX design in constrained conditions

· Promoting student engagement through UX design

· UX design for Communities of Inquiry

· UX design for diverse cohorts

· Building a UX/UI Portfolio

· UX design for multimodal feedback methods

· UX/UI design in the Writing Center

· Queering UX/UI design

· Peer Mentoring in UX/UI design

· And more!


Amy Cicchino, PhD (she/hers)

Pronunciation: Aim-e Sha-keen-o

Vice President

Global Society of Online Literacy Educators

Associate Director

Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus

1 Aerospace Boulevard

Daytona Beach, FL 32114