Event: Gentle nudge: Registration for IWCA 2023 Conference, and Hotel Reservations

Hi, everyone.

This is just a friendly reminder that a couple of important deadlines related to this year’s IWCA conference are coming up in 2-4 weeks.

First, the cutoff date for reserving a hotel room at the conference hotel (the Baltimore Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor) is September 12—just under two weeks away. We can’t guarantee rooms at the conference rate of $169 after that date. Use this link to reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor here.

Second, registration rates for the conference increase in just over a month. Right now, IWCA members can register for $390 (professionals) or $260 (students). Those rates increase on October 1. More information about conference registration and a link to the hotel registration page are at https://writingcenters.org/events/2022-iwca-annual-conference/2023-annual-conference-registration/ .

If you have questions about either of these, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Christopher Ervin (he/him/his)

Vice President | International Writing Centers Association

Assistant Director | Oregon State University Writing Center

Oregon State University

The Valley Library, 2750B

