Survey: Ideologies of language and race in writing instruction

Dear colleagues,

My name is Keli Tucker, and I am a PhD candidate in Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am writing to invite you to participate in my dissertation study on how graduate student writing instructors’ pedagogies and practices are shaped by ideologies of language and race.

Using a participatory narrative inquiry methodology, this study will bring together a small group of graduate students teaching writing across multiple institutions in a community of critical praxis in which—together with me as both researcher and co-participant—we will work to uncover how ideologies of language and race inhere in our storied experiences and how these experiences, in turn, shape our approaches to teaching writing. The purpose of this study is to explore how offering space for community critical inquiry into the influence of ideologies of language and race on our pedagogies could help us teach more intentionally toward racial and linguistic justice.

If you are a graduate student (in any discipline) who will be teaching a writing course this fall, and you are interested in the opportunity to reflect on your teaching, build community with other graduate students, and learn with and from others interested in teaching writing toward racial and linguistic justice, you are encouraged to participate!

Participation in this study will involve a commitment of no more than 8 hours total, distributed throughout the 2023-2024 academic year: a series of three narrative interviews in the fall of 2023 and a series of three group meetings with other participants in the spring of 2024. Participants will be compensated $50 for their contributions to this study.

To learn more and to sign up, please visit the Participant Information document at this link: kdtucker.

This study has been approved by the University of Wisconsin-Madison IRB and assigned protocol number 2023-1151.

Thank you so much for considering, and please feel free to share this invitation with anyone in your network who may be interested in participating!


Keli Tucker

PhD Candidate in English: Composition and Rhetoric

Assistant Director, Writing Fellows Program

Instructor, English 403: Tutoring Writing Across the Curriculum

University of Wisconsin-Madison