Survey: Interview Participants for Study on Religious, Faith, and Spirituality in University Writing Programs

Volunteers Needed for Research Study


The Department of English is conducting research to find out how a writing program administrator’s (WPA) religious, faith, or spiritual identity impacts their role or duties as a WPA. Additionally, the purpose of this study is to see if a WPA includes religious, faith, or spiritual identity in conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion with their writing programs.

Must be a former or current writing program administrator (WPA) of a university writing program or university writing center who identifies with a religion, faith, or spirituality, or identifies as non-religious, atheist, agnostic, etc.

You will be asked to share your experiences of being a person of religious, faith, or spiritual identity (or a non-religious identity, atheist, agnostic, etc.) who is also a WPA and involves no more than 60 minutes of your time. Participation will take place via Zoom. There are no risks involved in this research.

You will not receive compensation for participating in this research.

Please email Nataly Dickson at n.dickson if you are eligible and interested in participating, or if you have any questions.

IRB # 2023-226

Texas Christian University

TCU does not discriminate based upon any protected status. Please see

Thank you,
Nataly Dickson

Nataly Dickson
PhD candidate, Rhetoric & Composition
Assistant Director of Composition, 2023-2024