CFP: TCQ Book Reviews – Fall 2023

Technical Communication Quarterly is currently seeking reviewers for the books listed below. Book reviews are usually in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 words and include both a comprehensive summary and analysis of the book (see the TCQ book review guidelines). Book reviews are a great opportunity to review one of the latest books in the field and to have a publication in the journal.

If you would like to review one of the books listed below, please send an email with your mailing address to: mogull. In order to avoid duplication in the journal, books are assigned to the first person who requests to review the title. Also, your mailing address (school, work, or home) is requested so that I can request a complimentary review copy of the book from the publisher.

To see some of the latest book reviews and articles published by TCQ, see:

Latest TC books for review:

Augmentation Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Technical Communication: Designing Ethical Futures

By Ann Hill Duin & Isabel Pedersen

Routledge, ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication, 2023

Sustainable Crowdfunding: Research-Based Analysis for Communication Campaigns

By Adam Pope

Routledge, ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication, 2023

Rethinking Peer Review: Critical Reflections on a Pedagogical Practice

Edited by Phoebe Jackson and Christopher Weaver

WAC Clearinghouse & University Press of Colorado, 2023

Keywords in Technical and Professional Communication

Edited by Han Yu & Jonathan Buehl

WAC Clearinghouse & University Press of Colorado, 2023

Writing as a Human Activity: Implications and Applications of the Work of Charles Bazerman

Edited by Paul M. Rogers, David R. Russell, Paula Carlino, & Jonathan M. Marine

WAC Clearinghouse & University Press of Colorado, 2023

Working through Surveillance and Technical Communication: Concepts and Connections

By Sarah Young

SUNY Press, SUNY Series Studies in Technical Communication, 2023

Global Rhetorics of Science

Edited by Lynda C. Olman

SUNY Press, SUNY Series Studies in Technical Communication, 2023

Nestwork: New Material Rhetorics for Precarious Species

By Jennifer Clary-Lemon

Penn State University Press, 2023

If you do not see a recent book on this list and that you would like to review, please contact me directly.

Scott A. Mogull, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of English

Book Review Editor, Technical Communication Quarterly

Email: mogull