Volunteer: Participating in WPA-GO’s Committees AY ‘2023-2024

Dear Members of WPA-GO

The Writing Program Administrators – Graduate Organization (WPA-GO) is sending around a quick reminder about our annual WPA-GO Committee Interest Form. Let us know whether you’d like to…

  • Join one of the WPA-GO’s committees

  • Have any additional initiatives you would be interested in having WPA-GO explore and offer.

If you are interested in learning more about WPA-GO and our committees before you decide to join GO, please visit our website .

We will accept committee members on a rolling basis as needed, but priority will be given to those graduate students who fill out the form by September 13, 2023.

Not interested in committee work, but looking to join our mentorship program?

We will be pairing graduate-level mentors and mentees based on shared interests/goals/experiences. Then, you’ll decide on your own with your match what will work best for y’all. If you’re interested in being a mentor and/or mentee, please complete the Mentor/Mentee Request form. We ask that you submit your response by Friday, September 30. With questions, concerns, or pictures of cute baby animals, please reach out to put your own email address (co chairs’ email addresses)

If you have any questions about WPA-GO, please email wpago1.

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

Jagadish, on behalf of the WPA-GO Leadership Council
Jagadish Paudel, Chair
Roland Dumavor, Vice Chair
Kathleen Lyons, Past Chair