Survey: Teaching with digital resources

Dear Colleagues,

Joy Robinson (Google Inc.) and I (Lisa Dusenberry, Georgia Southern University) are conducting a study about your use of digital resources as part of your teaching practices. If you have taught at least one college-level writing or communication course since August 1, 2022, please complete our survey about your use of digital resources and their influence on your teaching practices. We are hoping for responses from all types of instructors and all levels of experience. The study is IRB approved (H23338, Georgia Southern University).

Completion of the survey should take approximately 20-25 minutes. The survey will be available from September 18, 2023 to October 9, 2023.

Through your participation in this study, we hope to understand better the way faculty who teach writing and communication use digital resources in teaching.

Survey: Use this link to access the anonymous qualtrics survey.

We welcome any questions about this project via email. Please direct them to Lisa Dusenberry: ldusenberry.

Thank you for your participation!

Lisa Dusenberry, Ph.D. | she/her/hers

Director of Undergraduate Studies, English Department

Associate Professor

Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus