CFP: Write Here, Write Now: Kairotic Pedagogy in the Age of AI

Dear Colleagues,

As FEN Blog begins its third year and we enter into year two of our term as editors, we’ve reflected on our first year, its challenges and its rewards, to inspire our second CFP. We’ve decided that rather than dictate a single topic for our contributors (the inventive power of such restrictions notwithstanding), we wish to extend an invitation in the spirit of the unique nature of our publication. As rhetoricians, we are cognizant of the demands of kairos, understanding that the effectiveness of any given argument is dependent on its timeliness. As a blog, we move with greater editorial nimbleness to deliver a message within that kairotic window. To take advantage of this affordance, we request submissions that speak to our current moment. What are you excited about as composition instructors this semester? What innovations are you executing that address this moment? Where are you finding success? Or unexpected challenges? What developments should we keep our eyes on? How do we keep up? Or what should we be looking forward to?

The full CFP can be viewed here and submission instructions here.

Some quick context about FEN Blog:

Since its inaugural post in the spring of 2021, FEN Blog has aspired to provide readers a chance to engage in diverse, responsive discussions of practice in a relaxed atmosphere.

Titled after Composition Studies’ original name (Freshman English Newsletter), FEN Blog aims to spark conversation about contemporary issues in the field of writing studies and ensure that teacher-scholars have a platform to address pressing questions or topics inspired by their own research and/or teaching experience. We’re excited to feature less formal, brief pieces that are accessible and practical for all writing educators.

FEN Blog went live in March 2021, and you can see our most recent posts here!

As we build our readership and increase awareness of our publication, we’re inviting contributions from scholars, including graduate students and lecturers, who we feel can speak eloquently to our current moment. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at fenblog.compstudies.


Jada Patchigondla and Ben Hojem

FEN Blog Editors