CFP: Xchanges Journal Call for Papers

Xchanges is an international peer-reviewed journal that features original research from undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of Technical Communication, Writing and Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum (ISSN: 1558-6456).


This year Xchanges journal is excited to announce the introduction of two new categories of submissions. As usual, we invite submissions of undergraduate and graduate research articles; but we are also inviting two new types of submissions: (1) an undergraduate and graduate special features submission and (2) a retrospectives submission for in-field academics. Our hope with these new submissions is to create more on-ramps for student scholarship. More detailed information on the three types of submission is below.

For questions regarding submission to Xchanges please email the editorial team at xchangesjournal.


Every year, Xchanges publishes two issues: our fall issue highlights upper-level undergraduate research and the spring issue features graduate student (MA and PhD) research.

As the 2023-24 academic year kicks off, we invite rolling submissions for original student research—both graduate and undergraduate—on the following topics:

writing studies theory • writing pedagogy • rhetorical analyses

writing-in-the disciplines • professional writing • business writing

technical communication • digital rhetoric • writing center studies

At Xchanges we recognize and value the many ways of meaning making across the field and therefore invite submissions that employ a variety of methodologies including, but not limited to: empirical research, ideological analyses, feminist methods, narrative methods, (auto)ethnographic research, user experience, rhetorical criticism and more.

Submission Guidelines

Articles submissions are accepted on a rolling-basis, should represent original research, and adhere the following guidelines:

  • 5,000-7,000 words (including Works Cited)
  • Include IRB-approval if the project includes human subjects
  • Anonymized for peer-review


Xchanges is committed to promoting rigorous academic scholarship; we also recognize that serious inquiry can take many forms beyond that of the traditional research paper. Therefore, we are excited to issue a call for undergraduate and graduate submissions to our new “Special Features” section. Submissions to this section of the journal should be shorter than full research articles (1,500-2000 words) but must still reflect the practices and values associated with responsible scholarly activity.

Student writing submitted to the “Special Features” section may cover a range of subject matter related to writing studies and technical writing, but we are especially interested in student writing related to the intersections of undergraduate writing and social justice. Students may want to consider the following question:

  • How does writing inform, contribute to, or undermine efforts (either social or institutional) toward diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Submissions to this section of the journal may use empirical research methods, but can also employ more accessible methods such as autoethnographies, testimonios, narrative research, and rhetorical criticism.

Submission Guidelines

Special Feature submissions are accepted on a rolling-basis, should represent original writing, and adhere the following guidelines:

  • 1,500-2,000 words (including Works Cited)
  • Anonymized for peer-review


Faculty members, Xchanges wants to hear from you! More specifically, we think our undergraduate and graduate writers want to hear from you about your experiences as an academic and a writer. The “Faculty Retro/Perspectives” is a new section of the journal dedicated to publishing faculty retrospectives related to researching and writing. As a starting point, faculty might want to consider “things I wish I had known” about writing, researching, and publishing.

Submissions to this section of the journal should be brief (1000 words maximum) and be aimed at helping apprentice young scholars into the fields of writing studies and technical writing.

Submission Guidelines

Faculty Retro/Perspectives will be editorially reviewed and accepted on a rolling-basis. They should represent original writing, and adhere the following guidelines:

  • 1,000 words maximum
  • Non-anonymized for transparency and contextualization