New: The Peer Review (TPR) Issue 7.3 is Live!

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that our fall issue (7.3) of The Peer Review (TPR) is now live. You can see the full issue here:

TPR also has an exciting slate of articles in development for our special issue (forthcoming spring 2024) on linguistic justice in writing centers, edited by Keli Tucker and Emily Bouza.

And for those of you conferencing in October and November, look for our editors at IWCA and NCPTW to discuss the journal and pitching ideas. If you are a graduate student, undergraduate, or early career (or working with students), please consider submitting full length articles or conversation shapers through our submission portal.

The editorial team has been hard at work streamlining submission processes and providing guidance to our mentorship-focused journal. We completed and uploaded a NEW guide for reviewers, in case you would like to review for us in the future. And we have created a NEW guide to feedback for authors. Both of these resources also have an audio feature. All of this work would not be possible without the support of our graduate editors (thank you!)

Finally, we say goodbye and thank you to Randall Monty for his hard work as web editor for the past three and a half years. Dr. J.M. Paiz stepped into this role over the summer.

Please email with any questions,

Genie (on behalf of the TPR editorial team)

Professional Editor: Genie Nicole Giaimo, Middlebury College
Managing Editor: Joseph Cheatle, University of Southern Mississippi
Graduate Editor of Special Issues: Wenqi Cui, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Co-Editor: Rabail Qayyum, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Graduate Co-Editor: Andrew Yim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Web Editor: J.M. Paiz, The George Washington University

Dr. Genie Nicole Giaimo

Assistant Professor, Writing and Rhetoric

Director of the Writing Center

Middlebury College