Survey: Data Collection for 2023 National Census of Writing Extended

Thank you to those who have already participated in the National Census of Writing. We’re happy to report that over 700 four-year institutions have already completed one or more sections of the survey. We realize our original deadline may have occurred while people were off on summer break, so we have reopened the surveys for a few more weeks.

The NCW consists of four separate surveys:

Institutional Goals and First-Year Writing
Writing Centers
Writing Majors and Minors

We have attempted to locate the person at each institution who would be able to complete each section. Please contact us at writingcensus if you haven’t received an invitation to participate and are able to complete one or more sections.

The deadline for participation in the 2023 NCW is Oct. 8. Please let us know if you want to participate but need flexibility with this deadline. We acknowledge the time and headspace it takes to complete the NCW and appreciate the support we’ve received with this project. Our goal is to get the data turned around and posted on the website as quickly as possible.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at writingcensus

Be well,

Jill Gladstein, UC San Diego
Brandon Fralix, Bloomfield College

Director of Seventh College Synthesis Program
Teaching Professor, Seventh College