Survey: The Perceived Gains of the Writing Tutor Experience Inbox

If you have already forwarded our email survey to your wrtiting tutors/consultants, thank you so much. This study requires data directly from the peer educators, so your reaching out to them is of the utmost importance. If you have not yet sent this to your writing tutors/consultants, we would love for you to do that today. Any peer educator that completes the survey can enter to win one of 5 $500 gift cards to Amazon.

Thank you so much for helping us recruit participants from your centers/offices.

Rebecca Cofer and Joy Bracewell

Georgia College & State University

Email Content to be Forwarded to Your Peer Tutors and SI Leaders:

Hello writing tutors/consultants. Our names are Rebecca Cofer and Joy Bracewell and we are leading a research study examining the writing center tutor/consultant experience in higher education; this can include those working in a traditional writing center or those working as a writing tutor in any center/academic unit, whether that might be a learning center, center for student success, or other type of center. If you are a current writing tutor/consultant or have served as such within the past year, we invite you to participate in this survey.

The survey is voluntary, and respondents have the choice to ask questions about the survey, skip over survey questions, or opt out of the survey. If you choose to participate, please complete the survey with the understanding that your completion serves as informed consent. The survey should be completed at one time and should take 30 minutes or less to complete. Additionally, participants can enter to win one of five to ten $100 Amazon gift cards, to be raffled off at the conclusion of the open period for the survey. Participation in the survey has minimum risks, no more than those associated with daily life experiences, and data collected is anonymous and will be held confidential, only shared between the study’s researchers. All results will be compiled and presented as generalizable findings.

As a participant in this study, you may ask questions regarding the study and have those questions answered by the researchers. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the research study, please contact either or both of us, Rebecca Cofer, at rebecca.cofer or Joy Bracewell at joy.bracewell. If the survey or a question causes any discomfort at any time, please contact us using the aforementioned contact information. If you have questions concerning your rights as a research participant, contact the GCSU IRB Chair, email: irb. This project has been reviewed and approved by the GSCU Institutional Review Board under tracking number (19112). We thank you in advance for your participation in this research study on the writing tutor/consultant. The survey can be accessed at the following link: