CFP: Writing Human/s The 6th Annual Writing Innovation Symposium

You’re invited to apply for the WIS Symposium:

Dear colleagues,

We hope you will join us for another WIS! Specifically, Writing Human/s, the 6th annual Writing Innovation Symposium, is slated for February 1-2, 2024. Proposals for flashtalks, workshops, posters, and displays are due 10/27; proposals for flares, an undergrad-only program category, are due 12/15; applications for this year’s Bedford/St. Martin’s WIS Fellows cohort is due 12/1. Notifications will begin in early November, and registration will open in December.

We want to call special attention to the 3-minute pre-recorded “flares” we are inviting undergrads to share. For full info visit our online CFP.:

To apply use this link:

Additional Details: Co-sponsored by Marquette University and Bedford/St. Martin’s, Writing Human/s will be a chance to gather onsite and online to collaboratively consider the connections and disconnects between writing and (being) human/s. To contribute, consider proposing:

75-minute workshops.
5-minute flashtalks include topics like: Flashtalks give WIS participants a chance to share their WISdom in short, snappy presentations meant to spark discussion. In 5 minutes—and no more— flashtalkers discuss things they have done (rather than things they plan to do or things they think about). As a bonus, flashtalks include a single artifact, such as a 1-page double-sided handout, a piece of fruit, a half-page infographic, a bumper sticker, or a bookmark. This year’s flashtopics include:

  • Writing for Humanity: How does writing contribute to our evolving ideas about humanity and what it means to be "human"? Flashtalks might share writing projects, assignments, or strategies for using writing as a tool for resistance, community action, helping people find confidence in their own experiences, or discovering the value of writing about difficult or painful topics.

  • Creativity, Innovation, and Play: How can writing be used to humor, entertain, and/or surprise ourselves in unexpected and fulfilling ways?

  • Bodies, Machines, Materials: Exploring the relationships between human bodies and technologies in various spaces, flashtalks might discuss how the body is involved in writing, the affective responses that humans have to particular writing tools or places, the relationship between mindfulness and writing, and/or bodies as spaces of and for writing.

  • Human Responses to and Explorations of AI: Share stories of provocative encounters with artificial intelligence, including what it’s like and how it feels to write with AI. Also share ideas for using, interrogating, and reflecting on AI technology within our writing practices and classrooms.

  • Anti-Racism and Artificial Intelligence: As writers, teachers, and citizens, we see some of the ways AI affects long-time social inequalities. What, so far, are some of the discernible impacts of AI writing resources on communities of color? How do literacies associated with AI reinscribe racism and uphold white linguistic supremacy? What opportunities do they afford?

AI, Access, and Accessible Teaching: How can AI be used to make writing and writing classrooms more accessible? What tools for accessible teaching and learning are useful to centering humans in classrooms? What can AI do

3-minute flares, a category open exclusively to undergraduate writers.
Posters, displays, and creative works

Or apply to be a 2024 Bedford/St. Martin’s WIS Fellow (application details in CFP)

Hope to see your applications!

Warmth regards from Wisconsin,

Kayla U. Fettig, MA
Curtin Hall 294
WPA-GO Accessibility Committee Member
CCCC Graduate Standing Group Co-Chair
Accessibility Working Group Chair

CCCC Social Justice Graduate Student Rep

Department of English ǀ Public Rhetorics and Community Engagement

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

"The core to healthy people and communities: self-esteem, agency, and self-advocacy…"\