Job: Assistant Professor with Professional Tutoring at University of Jamestown (ND)

Hello all,

My department at the University of Jamestown is hiring an Assistant Professor of English for AY 23-24 as we begin a new partnership with Chandigarh University in India and simultaneously expand our graduate offerings. We are anticipating a significant increase in enrollment in these areas. To that end, we are looking for someone with experience working with international students and rhet/comp. The new hire would be responsible for teaching a 3:3 load (freshman composition and upper division rhet/comp offerings) and 10 hours a week of tutoring in our writing center where I serve as director.

UJ is a small college in the liberal arts tradition in North Dakota. We have about 900 undergraduates and an additional 500 graduate students (mostly online). The English department is a small department (currently 4 faculty members) with low turnover and a very collegial environment. The writing center is currently staffed by me and a 9-person staff of undergraduate tutors. UJ is at an exciting moment of growth, and we are looking for someone with interest in growing our program and our center.

The official posting can be found here: I would be more than happy to talk with anyone more about the school, the location, and/or the job! Feel free to email!


Dr. Danielle Clapham (she/her)

Associate Professor, English Department

Director, Writing Center