Apply: Communication Design Quarterly’s next book review editor!

Hi all,

First off, I want to thank Derek Sparby for years of amazing work as Communication Design Quarterly’s (CDQ) book review editor. He has done an excellent job soliciting high quality book reviews and has recently decided to step down from the position because of other service obligations. Thank you so much to Derek!

Consequently, CDQ is currently taking applications for our open book review editor position, and we hope you consider applying! The position is an excellent opportunity to gain editorial experience, and it’s not an onerous amount of work. The book review editor’s main responsibilities involve identifying interesting books and soliciting people to write reviews of the books. Most importantly, Derek has developed an excellent workflow, so our next book review editor will be walking into an ideal situation. We also have book reviews already slotted for our next few issues, so there won’t be major pressure to immediately hit the ground running. The book review editor is a 2-year, renewable position.

We are open to applicants from candidates at any rank, and you don’t need to have prior editorial experience. Our application deadline is November 6th, which I know is a narrow window (there are behind-the-scenes reasons why we set that date), but please reach out if you’re interested and don’t think you can apply by that date.

To apply, please email me (jfrith) a one-page letter explaining your interest in the position and a copy of your CV. And if you have any questions about the position, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. I’m happy to help in any way I can.

Thank you!

Jordan Frith, Ph.D.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication, Clemson University

Pronouns: He/Him

Editor-in-Chief, Communication Design Quarterly

My new Object Lessons book: Barcode