New: The Big Rhetorical Podcast, Episode #143: Halley Cotton

Episode 143 is live now! Halley Cotton from UAB – The University of Alabama at Birmingham joins The Big Rhetorical Podcast to discuss her grant-winning project to kayak the Cahaba River and write poetry about her journey!


Keywords: teaching writing, environmental humanities, poetry, Birmingham, Cahaba River.

Halley Cotton is the managing editor of the Birmingham Poetry Review, contributing editor for NELLE, and production manager for both publications. She is the founding director of the SPARK Writing Festival, and her work has appeared in places such as The Greensboro Review, Poetry South, and Smokelong Quarterly, among others. She is the recipient of a 2022 State Council on the Arts Poetry Fellowship. Cotton teaches freshman composition and literature. When she’s not busy kayaking or finding four-leaf clovers, she’s studying folklore and writing/reading poetry. A picture of Halley posing in front of the Cahaba River.

The Big Rhetorical Podcast is hosted by Charles Woods, an assistant professor in the Department of Literature and Languages at Texas A&M University-Commerce. The Big Rhetorical Podcast has been awarded the 2020 Kairos Service Award for Graduate Students, the 2022 John Lovas Award, and the 2022 Computers & Composition Michelle Kendrick Award for Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship. Reach out to thebigrhetorical if you would like to be featured on The Big Rhetorical Podcast. Visit our website and follow us on Twitter @thebigrhet