Survey: Labor issues in writing program administration

Hi all,

I am a grad student in Dr. Chris Anson’s course on writing program administration at NCSU. Students have been assigned a "design-your-own" research inquiry project relating to WPA work. For my project, I am creating a digital clearinghouse for WPAs that addresses labor issues in writing program administration.

If you are/were an administrator of a writing program or work in whatever capacity within the field, please take a few minutes to complete a survey on what labor issues are most pervasive and any resources that would help.
Your participation will contribute significantly to addressing labor concerns and the development of practical solutions.

I have collaborated with Dr. Anson to streamline the survey to take up only a small portion of your time.
You can access it at the following link:

Thank you in advance for your time and participation!

Rachel Williams (rlwill28)

MA candidate, English
Graduate Teaching Assistant
North Carolina State University