Apply: Call for Editors of Computers and Writing Proceedings

The Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference is seeking new editors to join our team starting January 2024.

Interested applicants should email a statement of interest for the position and a short CV. Applications are due by November 30, 2023 and will be reviewed by the current editorial team. Please send all queries and applications to the current editors at cwproceedings

The Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference have been published since 2016. Proceedings editors work as a team to coordinate with C&W conference organizers, distribute the annual CFP, review submissions and peer review criteria, manage the submission and revision process, identify peer reviewers, write review letters, coordinate copyediting, and work with the WAC Clearinghouse through publication. Editors can expect the workload to be relatively heaviest in the summer and fall: up to 5-6 hours per week at peak times in July during submission and coordinating peer review. View previous issues at

We welcome all applicants, and encourage graduate students and junior faculty who wish to gain experience and mentorship in scholarly editing.

The editors of the Proceedings are committed to engaging in anti-racist practices as articulated in the Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices.

Thank you!

Chen Chen

Lydia Wilkes

Chris Andrews