Survey- Former Writing Center Directors Survey

Have you recently left a position as a Writing Center Director or retired from that position? Have you ever been a Writing Center Director? Maybe you held that position early in your career, moved on to other professional or personal life experiences, or took over that position on a temporary basis. If you fit any of these descriptions, we would love to have you join hundreds of others in our international survey.

We three retired Writing Center Directors–Leigh, Kathy, and Pam–have been surveying former Writing Center Directors for a few years and recently received an International Writing Centers Association research grant to continue our studies.

Please complete our international survey at
to be part of our work that we continue to share with future, current, and other former Writing Center Directors. Also, if you know anyone that would qualify to participate in our survey, we hope that you will share this email with them.

Thank you for your help.

Kathy Cain
Pam Childers
Leigh Ryan