CFP: Chapter on Racial & Cultural Diversity and Peer Tutoring for the Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Peer Tutoring


We are working on an edited, peer-reviewed volume, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Peer Tutoring (the third book in the Series: Theory & Practice for Learning Center Professionals, following The Rowman & Littlefield Guide for Peer Tutors and The Rowman & Littlefield Guide to Learning Center Administration). The volume is underway, but one of our authors has recently had to drop out due to personal circumstances, and we are looking for another author (or team of authors) to work on a planned chapter on Racial & Cultural Diversity and Peer Tutoring. We are seeking an author with a broad knowledge of recent scholarship on DEI and a passion for equity, who is also familiar with the theory & practice of peer-led learning. We envision this chapter exploring both the ways that issues of race and culture play out in tutoring interactions, and how peer tutoring plays a role in larger, campus-wide (or even higher-education-wide) issues related to race and culture. We are also open to different approaches to this chapter, within the general themes outlined above. Chapters will be 5,000-7,500 words in length. Please note that this volume is not specific to writing tutoring; it is on all peer tutoring, taking an interdisciplinary approach that is capacious across writing tutoring, content tutoring, SI, and other approaches. This is an area, however, in which we would especially welcome a contribution from a writing center scholar, because we as editors feel that peer tutoring at large would stand to benefit greatly from the deep engagement with issues of race & culture that has taken place within the writing center scholarship.

The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Peer Tutoring is directed towards scholars and scholar-professionals of peer-led learning, and will define the still-emerging academic field of peer tutoring. Addressing the multiple audiences of undergraduate tutors in advanced trainings, graduate students immersing themselves in the research of learning centers, professionals seeking to understand the history and current state of the field, and faculty researchers in the fields of education, psychology, communication, composition, and other fields who specialize in peer-led learning, the book will gather in one volume the voices that define the current state of the field, serving as an authoritative resource on the interdisciplinary scholarship of peer tutoring.

If you’re interested, please respond directly to me (danielsanford) with a CV and a sample of your scholarly writing (questions welcome as well, of course).


Daniel Sanford

Editors, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Peer Tutoring:

  • Russ Hodges (Associate Professor, College of Education, Texas State University)

  • Daniel Sanford (Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Boise State University)

  • Michelle Steiner (Assistant Vice President for Student Success, Marymount University)

  • Catherine Wehlburg (Interim President, Athens State University)

Daniel R. Sanford, PhD (he/him/his)Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Boise State University

ILC 315
1910 University Drive
Boise ID 83725