New: The Big Rhetorical Podcast, Episode 145: Dr. TJ Geiger II

TBR Podcast Episode 145: Dr. T J Geiger II is live now Don’t miss this wide-ranging conversation on deliberative rhetoric, religion, archival methods, and Texas!


Keywords: deliberative rhetoric, invention, religious rhetorics, archival methods, Texas

Dr. T J Geiger II is an assistant professor of Technical Communication and Rhetoric in the Department of English at Texas Tech University. He is the author of, "Faithful Deliberation: Rhetorical Invention, Evangelicalism, and #MeToo Reckonings." A feminist scholar of religious rhetorics and deliberative discourse, his recent work has turned to archives and to the history of the rhetoric of science through a study of the life and work of Lula Pace: a science professor at the center of a pre-Scopes trial teaching of evolution controversy that roiled early 20th century Texas Baptist life.

The Big Rhetorical Podcast is hosted by Charles Woods, an assistant professor in the Department of Literature and Languages at Texas A&M University-Commerce. The Big Rhetorical Podcast has been awarded the 2020 Kairos Service Award for Graduate Students, the 2022 John Lovas Award, and the 2022 Computers & Composition Michelle Kendrick Award for Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship. Reach out to thebigrhetorical if you would like to be featured on The Big Rhetorical Podcast. Visit our website and follow us on Twitter @thebigrhet