CFP: 2024 Qualitative Research Network at CCCC

Please see the attached CFP for the 2024 Qualitative Research Network’s Research Roundtables. Currently, the in-person QRN 2024 will be held Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 1:30 to 5:00 at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Spokane, WA. Please encourage graduate students from your programs (and colleagues working on qualitative projects) to participate!

The QRN provides mentoring and support to qualitative researchers at all levels of experience and working in diverse areas of study within the college composition and communication community. As a pre-conference research network, the QRN is open to everyone, including those who are already presenting at the conference in other venues.

The initial hour of the workshop will feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Michael Faris, Associate Professor and Chair of English at Texas Tech University. The final two-and-half hours of the workshop will feature research roundtables where novice and experienced researchers will have twenty to thirty minutes to present their work-in-progress for feedback and discussion. Experienced qualitative researchers will be on hand at each table to offer suggestions and facilitate discussion.

Additionally, if you are receiving this email, then you are also someone we believe would be exceptional at mentoring and supporting qualitative researchers at the spring meeting. If you are willing and able to serve as a research mentor at this year’s QRN, either in-person or virtually, would you please let us know by completing this quick Google form by December 1, 2023?

This will give us a sense of the talent we will have for supporting qualitative researchers in our network. If you’re interested/available, we will be in touch early in January 2024 with an official invitation to serve as a facilitator and with additional information about the QRN.

Much thanks,

Will Banks, QRN Chair

Kasen Christensen, QRN Associate Chair


Qualitative Research Network

Call for Proposals 2024

Individual or collaborative Research Presentations are invited for the Qualitative Research Network (QRN) to be held Wednesday, April 3, from 1:30 – 5:00 at the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Spokane, WA.

The Qualitative Research Network, which occurs annually at the CCCC, is offered for both new and experienced qualitative researchers. The QRN provides mentoring and support to qualitative researchers at all levels of experience and working in diverse areas of study within the college composition and communication community. As a pre-conference research network, the QRN is open to everyone, including those who are already presenting at the conference in other venues.

Keynote Presentation

The initial hour of the workshop will feature Dr. Michael J. Faris, Associate Professor of English and Department Chair at Texas Tech University, where he teaches undergraduate courses on post-truth rhetoric and graduate courses on digital literacies and rhetoric, technical communication, writing pedagogy, and queer and feminist rhetorics. Michael has published on digital rhetorics and literacies, queer rhetorical theory, and writing program administration in a variety of journals and edited collections in the field.

Research Roundtables: The bulk of the workshop features research roundtables where novice and experienced researchers present work-in-progress for feedback and discussion. Experienced qualitative researchers offer suggestions and facilitate discussion. Each presenter has 20-30 minutes for both presentation and discussion of their work-in-progress. Presenters at the research roundtables may focus on specific concerns and/or broader issues related to qualitative research.

Digital QRN: In order to make the QRN more open and available to scholars who cannot attend the conference, the QRN will also provide research roundtables through a digital platform for sharing work-in-progress. Prospective presenters should indicate on their proposal submission if they will be attending the conference in person or would prefer to be considered for the Digital QRN. (If CCCC moves to a fully online format, then the QRN will host all sessions online.)

Proposal Information: Please submit via the linked Google form below a brief description (approximately 500 words) of your research proposal by 11:59 pm EST on December 15, 2023.

We encourage submissions from those at any stage of the research process (e.g., planning, data collecting, data analyzing, publishing).

Please be sure that your proposal includes a brief overview of the research project, the stage of its development, and the questions/issues you wish to discuss with other researchers. Descriptions need not be exhaustive. We ask that you provide a general overview of your study as well as a statement about the kinds of feedback you would like to receive. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.

***Presenters for research roundtables will be notified of their acceptance by December 20, 2023. We will request confirmation of acceptances by January 15, 2024. ***

William P. Banks, Professor of Writing & Rhetoric
Director, University Writing Program
Joyner 1009

Pronouns: he/him/his

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2024 CFP QRN.pdf