CFP: ARSTM@RSA Pre-Conference, Proposals Due 11/27

Dear ARSTM communities,

Whether you attended or missed NCA in Washington, DC this past week, it is still not too late to propose a conference paper for the ARSTM@RSA Pre-Conference in Denver, on May 22, 2024! You may have been inspired by a talk at NCA or been waiting to read more on an issue. Our deadline for proposals is November 27, 2023 and we hope to hear from you.

Our conference theme is “Fail/Safe” and we invite you to explore how rhetorics of science, technology, and medicine provide safety for some, but perhaps not all. We especially invite investigations into who is made safe and/or allowed to fail in certain contexts and amid certain political, cultural, technological, and social conditions and what the consequences may be of such designs. That is, how can our scholarly inquiries spotlight the social and material ecologies of failure and safety, echoing Cicero’s question, “cui bono”? ARSTM@RSA invites papers to discuss the potential and capacity of rhetorics of science, technology, and medicine to act as a fail/safe or comment on failure or safety in its many facets.

Submissions may be in the form of individual abstracts or panel proposals, and should detail in 500 words or fewer how papers will address themes of failure and/or safety. Please see…/arstmrsa-2024…/ for full details.

The Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine 31st Anniversary Preconference will be held at the 21st Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 in Denver, CO, USA.

Submissions and questions about panels or topics should be directed to both conference organizers, David M. Grant david.grant at and Candice Welhausen caw0103 at Any questions about the ARSTM preconference at RSA may be addressed to Nathan Johnson at nathanjohnson at

Thank you!