Apply: CWPA Treasurer and CWPA Communications Coordinator

CWPA Officer Recruitment/Applications Updates

We received an application for CWPA Secretary that the EB will discuss and vote on soon. However, we haven’t been as fortunate with the Treasurer or the Communications Coordinator roles.

I’d like to point out that individuals appointed to these roles will serve as Ex-officios on the Executive Board. Unlike other CWPA leadership roles, these two positions are compensated:


CWPA provides economy class travel to both CCCC and CWPA conferences. In addition, for CCCC, one night’s lodging and two days’ meals at established government per diem rates will be covered; for CWPA, all lodging, registration costs, and meals will be covered.

Communications Coordinator

The Communication Coordinator will receive a $500 stipend/year.

It’s worth noting that in the absence of a summer conference, the Treasurer’s responsibilities are not as demanding.

Please consider applying for one of those positions and share with colleagues who may be interested.

Treasurer Call for Applications

Communications Coordinator Call for Applications