New: Latest Issue of JBTC

Dear colleagues,

Below my sig is the TOC for the January 2024 issue. Best, Jo

Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which” or “mack-uh-wits”)

Associate Chair for Faculty Development, English Department

Professor, Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication

Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201


Latest book: Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge

Table of Contents Alert
Journal of Business and Technical Communication- Volume: 38, Number: 1 (January 2024)
Submit Your Manuscript to Journal of Business and Technical Communication! Visit for more details

The Fair Fight to Dismantle Voter Suppression: Recognizing Electoral Injustice Through Lived Experiences

Isidore Kafui Dorpenyo

Tools, Potential, and Pitfalls of Social Media Screening: Social Profiling in the Era of AI-Assisted Recruiting

Yeqing Kong and Huiling Ding

Approaches and Practices

Digital Video as a Discussion Board: A Case Study and Collaborative Autoethnography of Experiences

Tiffany Avery, Jessica Cody, Katherine Griffiths, Kristina Khodai, Ashley Lenahan, Maria Meluso, Yudai Sanada, Kayla Seabaugh, Rhonda Stanton, and Emily Woodall

Book Review

Book Review: Teaching Content Management in Technical and Professional Communication by Bridgeford Tracy. (Ed.)

Gregg Fields

For Journal of Business and Technical Communication’s full back issue catalog, please visit