Nominate: 2024 CCCC Leader

On behalf of the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Nominating Committee, you are invited to submit nominations for the positions of Assistant Chair and Executive Committee Members on the Executive Committee, the 2024 Nominating Committee, Accountability for Equity and Inclusion Committee (AEIC), and the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition (CDICC). We seek to identify CCCC members who are committed to the organization and willing to do its work.

Submit a Nomination
  • The post of Assistant Chair involves a four-year commitment, beginning in December of 2024. During the first year of the term, the Assistant Chair also serves as the Program Chair for the 2026 CCCC Annual Convention. The Assistant Chair becomes Associate Chair in December of 2025, then Chair in December of 2026, and Immediate Past Chair in December of 2027.
  • Members of the Executive Committee, as outlined below, make a commitment to serve on the committee through the length of the specified term, starting 30 days after the NCTE Annual Convention and following the election.
    • Standing Group Representatives (three-year term)
    • Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Representative (three-year term)
  • Members of the Accountability for Equity and Inclusion Committee (AEIC) make a two-year commitment to serve on the committee, starting 30 days after the NCTE Annual Convention and following the election.
  • Members of the Committee on Disability Issues in College Composition (CDICC) make a three-year commitment to serve on the committee, commencing 30 days after the NCTE Annual Convention and following the election.
  • Members of the Nominating Committee are expected to make a one-year commitment to serving CCCC, beginning in September of 2024.

Nominees are balloted by current members of the Nominating Committee to represent a combination of institutions, levels of professional work, regions (US and abroad), and intersectional identities. The officers and Executive Committee are committed to increasing recruitment, representation, and participation of members from historically underrepresented groups in every aspect of their work, as well as throughout committee activities. The election is held in the summer.

Please submit your nominations by March 1, 2024, using the following form:

Submit a Nomination

CCCC members and previous candidates are encouraged to nominate themselves. In addition, nominations can be made during an open meeting taking place during the 2024 CCCC Annual Convention. After collecting all nominations, the Nominating Committee will finalize the slate of candidates at a closed meeting during the Convention. This meeting takes place behind closed doors to maintain the privacy of nominees and to ensure that personal information remains confidential. Selected candidates are then contacted to obtain their consent to run.

Further information about the CCCC election process and responsibilities associated with each position are available on the CCCC website.

2024 CCCC Nominating Committee
Esther Milu, University of Central Florida, Chair
Nancy Bou Ayash, University of Washington, Seattle
Jessica Edwards, University of Delaware
Gabriel I. Green, Xavier University of Louisiana
Teresa Grettano, The University of Scranton
Sarah Z. Johnson, Madison Area Technical College (TYCA Past Chair)
Staci Perryman-Clark, Western Michigan University (CCCC Past Chair)


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