New: Correction to Communication Design Quarterly Issue Link

Hi all, First off, apologies for the multiple emails. Earlier this week I sent an announcement of the new issue of Communication Design Quarterly with a broken link to the issue. I then sent a follow-up email with the correct link. However, I just realized I only corrected half the hyperlink, so if you clicked on the second half, the link was still broken. So yeah…not my proudest moment, and I promise I’ve used the Internet before :). Here’s the correct link (and ONLY the correct link). I apologize for any confusion and will go spend the rest of the day hiding in embarrassment.

And here is the content in the issue:

  • In Memoriam: Dr Halcyon Lawrence, by Jordan Frith
  • Advocating for Student Users: Comparing PDF and Canvas Webpages as Digital Readings, by Jared S. Colton, Rebecca Walton, and Christopher Phillips
  • The Usability of an Integrated Smart Home: A Usability Study of a Laboratory-Based Google Smart Home, by David Wright, Matthew Dew, Daniel B. Shank and Thomas Yarbrough
  • StoryMapping Civic Engagement: Reflexive Chorography, Spatial Justice, and the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement, by Brian Gogan and John C. Scott
  • “But who really pays when it’s ‘free?’”: Debunking Publisher Claims About OER in Writing Courses, by Tiffani Tijerna
  • A-Proxy-Mate Users: An Industry-Driven, Flexible, Testable, Reliable Model for Selecting Proxy Users, by Twyla Campbell and Candice Lanius
  • Review of Bodies of knowledge: Embodied rhetorics in theory and practice, by Kristin C. Bennett
  • Review of UX on the go: A flexible guide to user experience design, by Paul Thompson Hunter
  • Review of Making matters: Craft, ethics, and new materialist rhetorics, by Hannah Hopkins

Jordan Frith, Ph.D.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication

Clemson University

Pronouns: He/Him

My new Object Lessons book: Barcode