Apply: Deadline upcoming: Composition Studies seeks next editor(s)!

CALL FOR NEW EDITOR(S) OF Composition Studies
[You can also find the information below on the journal's
Composition Studies is seeking a new editor (or editors), whose editorial term will begin with the spring 2025 issue. The initial appointment is one three-year term with possibility for renewal; the editorial transition will begin in summer 2024.

Journal and Position
In publication since March 1972, Composition Studies is the oldest independent journal in the field of writing studies. Published biannually, the journal is dedicated to sponsoring a broad range of scholarship: postsecondary writing pedagogy and theory; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars; and related topics.
Composition Studies currently publishes two 200-page print copies per year and maintains an active web presence through the FEN Blog. In years past (2020-2022), the journal published digital-only, open-access summer special issues, working with guest editors in the field. Part of the next editor’s purview will be determining whether the journal should continue along this same trajectory or change as readership evolves and grows.
This editorial leadership role receives support from an advisory board, a managing editor, a graduate assistant, a team of copyeditors, and social media editors volunteering and serving on a rotating basis. The incoming editor(s) will then have informational orientation meetings, a chance to shadow the current editors, and the opportunity to work with the current journal staff as they make decisions about the future of the journal.

Eligible applicants will have an active research agenda in writing studies as well as interest in and appreciation of diverse research and research methods in the field. Previous editorial experience is strongly recommended but not required. Applicants with (1) strong organizational and management skills; (2) the ability to work well with others; and (3) a commitment to publishing high-quality, relevant, and engaging scholarship that advances knowledge in the field will be most successful in this role.
Applicants must

  • hold a PhD in English, Composition/Rhetoric, or a related field,
  • be scholars with a substantial publication record and have demonstrated the ability to review scholarship in one or more of the fields relevant to CS, and
  • have sufficient material resources to meet the demands of the office and maintain the integrity of the journal.

Applicants should be (or should to be ready to assemble a team that is) comfortable with:

  • working in the Adobe Suite, Google Drive, and Open Journal Systems (our current submission management software),
  • coordinating the submission, anonymous review, and publication processes of academic work,
  • negotiating institutional support during their editorship,
  • upholding the bylaws (link),
  • fundraising & account management.

A complete application will include the following:

  • One 2-3 page letter of application (for an editor or co-editors), explaining the applicant or applicants’ interest in the editorship; qualifications and unique qualities that have bearing on the position; potential institutional support; and readiness at this point in their career(s) to serve as editor(s) of a national journal.
  • A current CV.
  • A letter of support from a colleague who can speak to the applicant or applicants’ qualifications sent directly to current editors Matt Davis & Kara Taczak at compstudiesjournal.

Application materials are due to Matt Davis and Kara Taczak at compstudiesjournal by December 15, 2023. Advisory Board members will review applications and make a selection by April 1, 2024. The onboarding process will begin in summer 2024.

The process of editorial selection and transition is outlined in the journal’s bylaws. Applicants can expect:

  1. All application materials will be shared with the journal’s Advisory Board by the end of 2023.
  2. The current co-editors will invite selected applicants for one-hour Zoom interviews the week of Dec 18-22, 2023.
  3. The current editors will nominate possible new editor(s) from the applicant pool by the end of 2023. Advisory Board members may then also nominate possible new editor(s) from the applicant pool. The final slate of candidates will be set by the end of February 2024.
  4. The Advisory Board will vote to elect the new editor(s) at the end of March 2024; candidates will be notified at the beginning of April 1, 2024. All applicants will be notified of the decision on their application when the election has concluded.
  5. The appointed editor(s) will shadow the current editors for the production of the Fall 2024 issue (52.2) beginning in July 2024.
  6. The newly appointed editor(s) will assume all responsibility for the editorial work of the journal beginning with the production of the Spring 2025 (53.1) issue.
  7. The newly appointed editor(s) may select new staff positions, as desired, between July 2024 and January 2025 to participate in the onboarding process.

If you have questions about the position, feel free to contact Matt & Kara at the email address above. We look forward to reviewing the applications of our colleagues interested in leading Composition Studies.

Matt & Kara, on behalf of the Composition Studies team