Survey: Participants Needed for Social Media Activism Research

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider taking part in or passing along the links to survey research titled “Contemporary Social Media Activism: Understanding impacts and emerging platforms.” The surveys focus on #DontSayGay and #BansOffOurBodies/#RoeVWade as they spread on social media, particularly Twitter/X, Instagram, and TikTok.

You can access both the information about the study and the surveys through the following links:



This study seeks to learn about the types of social justice content that people see and share on social media, how that content changes as it spreads, and how people who saw and shared this content describe their experiences.

Anyone who is 18 years old and has seen #DontSayGay or #BansOffOurBodies/#RoeVWade on social media is eligible to participate.

The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

To protect sensitive information, Qualtrics will not collect your IP address. You may skip any questions with which you feel uncomfortable. The study is confidential, and no personal data will be collected from you, although you may choose to input your email for a follow-up interview.

Thanks in advance for your input and for sharing the survey with relevant contacts!

CorinneLeah Corinne Jones <l.corinne.jones>