CFP: 2024 SRCC, Dec 15 Deadline

Good afternoon!

We are thrilled about the exciting proposals we’ve received in response to this year’s SRCC theme, “Gathering Our Voices!” If you’re interested in joining us at the 2024 Southern Regional Composition Conference, we encourage you to submit a proposal by December 15, 2023. This year, the conference will be held on April 12, 2024 at Oklahoma City Community College, and we are delighted to welcome Dr. Kelly Ritter as our keynote speaker!

To read our full CFP, click here:

To learn more about the Southern Regional Composition Conference, visit

Questions about proposals or conference details can be directed to srcompositionconference

Cristine Busser, PhD

Associate Professor, Writing, Rhetoric, & Information Design
Coordinator, First-Year Writing Program
School of Communication
Win Thompson Hall 327

University of Central Arkansas