Apply: NCTE Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color (CNV) program

2024 CNV Call for Applications

The NCTE Research Foundation’s Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color (CNV) program is designed to provide two years of support, mentoring, and networking opportunities for early career scholars of color. The program aims to work with doctoral candidates and early career postsecondary faculty of color to cultivate the ability to draw from their own cultural and linguistic perspectives as they conceptualize, plan, conduct, write, and disseminate findings from their research. The program provides socialization into the research community and interaction with established scholars whose own work can be enriched by their engagement with new ideas and perspectives.

Fellows are selected through a competitive application process. To be eligible to apply, application submitters must be

  • a member of NCTE;
  • an individual who has advanced to doctoral candidacy or who has earned a doctoral degree within the past two years;
  • a person of color; and
  • a resident of the United States.

Fellows accepted to the program receive research support up to $1,200 and travel expenses to attend the NCTE Annual Convention and CNV Spring Institutes across the two years of the program. Application deadline: March 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PT.

Read the Call for Applications