Apply: Watson 2024 – Join a Collaborative Project – Apply by Jan. 21

Dear colleagues,

Applications are now open for participation in the Thomas R. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition, which will be held from Feb. 28-Mar. 1 (Zoom) and Mar. 7-9 (in-person and hybrid). Titled Create, Connect, Reflect: Launching Collaborations and (Re)building Community in Our Fields,” the conference will be devoted to launching a number of collaborative projects—from book proposals to a multi-institutional study, from teaching and learning resources to an app—and more. If the idea of creating something meaningful over three days with a group of new colleagues appeals to you, please check out the projects (more may be added in January) and apply!

Registration is free for BIPOC attendees and caregivers and set low for white folks who are students or lack institutional funding. The deadline for applications is January 21. We will aim to give everyone their first choice of project.

We invite you to watson if you have questions.


All the best,

Shayani Almeida

Assistant Director

Thomas R. Watson Conference