Nominate: Reminder: Jay Gould Award nomination

Hi colleagues,

We are calling for nominations for the Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Communication. Please review the following details.

Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Communication

Who is eligible: A nominee must be a regular member of the Society for Technical Communication at the time of application. Nominees must have been involved in post-secondary education for at least fifteen years and have made a primary career in teaching the philosophy and theory of technical communication as a distinct discipline.

Award description and guidelines:

Who may nominate:Department chairs, deans, colleagues, students, and other STC members acquainted with the nominee. STC members may self-nominate as well.

Nomination process: To nominate someone (or yourself), simply send the full name, email address, and phone number of the nominee to the 2024 Jay R. Gould Award Committee chair, Quan Zhou (quan.zhou), and CC the STC staff liaison, Jennifer Goode (

· Due date for nominations: January 3rd, 2024

· Due date for applications by nominated candidates: January 31st, 2024

· Honorees notified: March 6th, 2024

· Award Presented: At the Honors Event at the STC Technical Communication Summit

Previous Jay R. Gould Winners: (see the last section)

Questions: Please contact Quan Zhou at quan.zhou

Award Review Committee:

Holly Baker

Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch

Nupoor Ranade

Jason Tham

Quan Zhou (Chair)

Quan Zhou, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Department of Technical Communication & Interaction Design

Director, Graduate Certificate in the Design of User Experience

School of Communication, Writing, and the Arts
College of Liberal Arts

Metropolitan State University, Twin Cities, MN
A Member of Minnesota State