Volunteer: Interviewees & Guests for virtual WPA class

Hello Writing Studies Colleagues,

I am teaching an online synchronous WPA seminar for PhD students this spring, and I am looking for volunteers who are:

(1) willing to have their programs studied by a PhD student over the course of the semester, which would entail being interviewed and/or referring them to others and potentially sharing program documents if not accessible through the program’s website;

(2) interested in visiting my virtual class on a Wednesday for a 45-60 minute-period some time between 4:30 and 7:10 EST to discuss their programs, approaches, and/or research OR get feedback on a particular challenge, innovation, or idea. I will work with you to determine which week/topic would be best for you based on your interest.

If you do volunteer, my students and I will value your time (for example, your preparation will be very minimal and we will try to find out as much as we can about your program online before speaking with you), and we will work with you to make sure that this experience is meaningful for you as well, such as gathering research about comparable institutions that we think might be useful for you when you make an argument to your dean about lowering class caps.

If you have any questions or interest, email me at kcostell. And, of course, if you are also teaching a WPA seminar or you think I can be helpful to one of your classes, I am happy to work with you as well.

Thank you in advance for considering!


Kristi Murray Costello