Apply: RWJS Health Policy Research Scholars

Health Policy Research Scholars


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)


Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) is a leadership development program for full-time doctoral students from historically marginalized backgrounds who can connect how their background, identity, or lived experiences have positioned them to contribute to the goals of the program, including bringing unique and diverse perspectives to their research. Applicants should want to apply their research to advance health and equity, and their innovation should help build a Culture of Health, one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives.

HPRS includes scholars from disciplines as diverse as economics, political science, psychology, architecture, transportation, sociology, social welfare, and environmental health, and considers students from any research-focused discipline that can advance a Culture of Health.

Over the course of the program, scholars will:

  • Participate in policy and leadership development trainings and coursework via online seminars and courses.
  • Receive an annual award of up to $30,000 for up to four years or until they complete their doctoral program (whichever is sooner).
  • Receive training in health equity, the policy process, leadership, communication, implementation, and dissemination.
  • Continue learning and working from their home institutions.
  • Establish and strengthen professional ties to public health and policy leaders.
  • Be eligible for a competitive dissertation grant of up to $10,000.


HPRS is designed for full-time doctoral students in a research-based program who are from historically marginalized backgrounds. In 2024, HPRS is selecting up to 40 doctoral students who are beginning their second year in fall 2024 and do not expect to graduate before spring/summer 2027.

Closing Date

March 7, 2024

Link to Full Announcement

Sent to:

Health Equity/Health Disparities; Underrepresented Populations/Women; Political Science/Public Admin.; Social Science/Sociology; Social Work; Public Health; Nursing; Biomedical Education and Training

Proposal Development Office

504 M.I. King Library