CFP: CCCCs Teacher2Teacher in Spokane on Saturday Morning

Dear friends,

Please consider submitting a presentation proposal for Teacher To Teacher, an annual teaching-focused event held the Saturday morning of the CCCCs (9:00-11:30 a.m. PCT on Saturday, April 6, 2024, in Spokane, WA).

“If you’ve never done T2T, this is the year! This is right in our wheelhouse AND you get a presentation on your CV. T2T is one of my favorite events at 4Cs. Let’s fill the tables with two-year college faculty. As an adjunct lecturer at North Central Texas College (and others), I value the 2 1/2 hours spent talking about pedagogy on Saturday morning of Cs. Come join me at Teacher2Teacher!”

Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. PCT Tuesday, January 31, 2024.

Proposal submission link:

We welcome questions and are happy to meet with prospective presenters prior to the January 31 submission deadline. To reach us, please email TeacherToT…

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Spokane,

Kelly Moreland and Lee Nickoson

Brian Harrell (he/him)

North Central Texas College